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The Crucial Role of Client Questionnaires and Record Cards in Beauty Treatments

At Professional Beauty Direct we are committed to ensuring that your success is supported by comprehensive coverage and risk management. Today, we want to emphasize the critical importance of completi...

The Crucial Role of Client Questionnaires and Record Cards in Beauty Treatments

At Professional Beauty Direct we are committed to ensuring that your success is supported by comprehensive coverage and risk management. Today, we want to emphasize the critical importance of completing client questionnaires or record cards, specifically in the context of checking for allergies before administering beauty treatments.

Your clients trust you not only for your skills but also for their well-being during and after a beauty treatment. Allergic reactions can happen unexpectedly, and it is our shared responsibility to minimise the risks. Completing thorough client questionnaire prior to a treatment enables you to gather vital information about your clients' health and potential allergies, allowing you to tailor your services accordingly and mitigate potential risks.

Let's consider a scenario concerning a common allergy that highlights the significance of this practice:

The Nut Allergy: A Cautionary Tale
A new client fails to disclose a nut allergy before a facial treatment involving skincare products containing a small trace of nut extracts. Despite the well-intentioned service, an unexpected and easily avoidable severe allergic reaction occurs post-treatment, leading to distress for the client and potential legal ramifications for your business.
In such cases, without proper documentation of the client's medical history and potential allergies, even if the client has confirmed verbally, it becomes challenging to demonstrate that due diligence was exercised prior to the commencement of the treatment. This lack of documentation may compromise your ability to defend against claims, leaving your business vulnerable to financial and reputational damage.

Unfortunately, in recent months at Professional Beauty Direct we have seen a rise in the number of claims concerning clients with nut and other allergies reacting to a treatment.  In some cases, the claim could have been avoided altogether by more comprehensive questioning prior to a treatment. 

Why Client Questionnaires Matter:

1.    Client Safety: By diligently collecting information through client questionnaires, you are proactively ensuring the safety and well-being of your clients. Identifying allergies beforehand allows you to make informed decisions about product choices and application techniques.

2.    Risk Mitigation: Accurate and up-to-date client records serve as a crucial risk management tool. In the event of an adverse reaction leading to a claim, having a well-documented client history demonstrates your commitment to professionalism, serving as your defence in case of a liability claim.

3.    Legal Protection: In the beauty industry, legal disputes can arise unexpectedly. Complete client records act as a shield, providing a clear trail of your efforts to assess and address potential risks, which can be invaluable in legal proceedings.

Best Practices for Client Questionnaires:

1.    Comprehensive Questions: Ensure that your questionnaires/record card include full details of the consultation process, the treatment, the result of the treatment and aftercare advice given where necessary. The questionnaire should also cover a wide range of health-related topics, including allergies, medications, and pre-existing conditions. 

2.    Follow your training and manufacturer instructions: It is vital you follow the pre-treatment procedures you learnt in your beauty training such as identifying contra-indications which would prevent you from conducting the treatment. 

3.    Regular Updates: A client must confirm there has been no changes in their medical history prior to each appointment and update their information if necessary.

4.    Record Patch tests: The record must include evidence of patch testing where applicable.

5.    Follow your insurance guidance: When it comes to the length of time record cards and questionnaires should be kept. A client has up to 7 years to make a claim so often insurance providers will require you to keep these documents for 7 years post treatment. If a client is under the age of 18 these records should be kept for 7 years once the client has turned 18.

6.    Staff Training: Educate your staff on the importance of client questionnaires and the role they play in ensuring client safety and protecting the business.

Make client questionnaires a non-negotiable part of your pre-treatment protocol. By doing so, you not only prioritise the safety and satisfaction of your clients but also fortify the defences of your business against potential liabilities if a claim were to arise.
