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How to re-vamp your salon on a budget

Now that most of the UK are on a 4-week lockdown, it could be a great idea to revamp your salon while you’re not trading, but with recent times being tough on us all financially, we’ve lis...

How to re-vamp your salon on a budget

Now that most of the UK are on a 4-week lockdown, it could be a great idea to revamp your salon while you’re not trading, but with recent times being tough on us all financially, we’ve listed some ways that you can do this on a budget.


1. Decide on a theme

It can be really tempting to rush in with the paint brushes once you’ve decided to revamp, but before you get started, make sure you know exactly what you want to do, the look that you want to achieve and be consistent with that. Mood boards are a great way to visualize how you want the salon to look, spend some time creating this and checking some other salons online to get inspiration.

Think about your customers. Do you have an older clientele and need to think about investing in front-wash units? Or are you a young, trendy salon? If so, you might want to put in some interesting wall art or a feature wall to encourage clients to take pictures on their social media with their new nails for example


2. Start with your reception area

First impressions count! So, no matter what your budget, you need your reception area to look the best that it can! It’s the area of your salon where your customers will make their first impression of your business.

If you have no budget at all, decluttering your reception can make just as much of an impact as redecorating. If you’ve got a small amount of cash to spend, think about painting a feature wall, investing in a new coffee table or reception desk.

3. Lighting

If your salon is quite small and dark, lightening up your colour scheme can make a big difference and give the impression of your salon looking much bigger.

This could be as easy as a simple repaint. If you have a bigger budget, think about purchasing some mirrors to bring more light in

4. Invest in good chairs

You want your customers to enjoy their experience at your salon and to become a returning customer. Although investing in the right chairs can be expensive, it’s also good for business. It’s where your customers spend most of their time!

5. Update your backwash area

When it comes to updating your salon, don’t forget your backwash area as it’s often very neglected. Again, a simple exercise of decluttering can make a big difference.

A great idea is to update how you store your towels - you could have towel racks filled with nice towels making it more of a feature in your salon

Whether you are spending this lockdown revamping your business or taking some time off, all of us here at PBD wish you well and we hope you can return to work soon x