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Contra-actions vs contra-indications

A contraindication is a condition that a client may have that will prevent or restrict a treatment being carried out. Some of these conditions may need GP/medical approval to be carried out. Contraind...

Contra-actions vs contra-indications

A contraindication is a condition that a client may have that will prevent or restrict a treatment being carried out. Some of these conditions may need GP/medical approval to be carried out. Contraindications can be visible external conditions such as a contagious skin disease or inner medical conditions which can be spoken about during the consultation.

Contra-actions ae things that can occur during or after a treatment, and if this does happen, this would indicate that the treatment must stop.

Examples of contra-indications:

  • Severe bruising
  • Fungal, bacterial or viral infections
  • Undiagnosed lumps or swelling
  • Cancer
  • Recent scarring
  • Head lice
  • Skin conditions such as eczema & more

*It’s important to identity contraindications to avoid cross infection and making the condition worse.

Examples of contra-actions:

  • Allergic reaction: redness, swelling or irritation.
  • Feeling faint
  • Headache
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach or any abdominal pain
  • Bruising to the area worked on
  • Sweating & more

*If these conditions arise, remove any product and slowly place the client into the recovery position and allow them to rest for a period of time. Ensure you stay with the client and if they are still experiencing the reactions, seek medical advice.

Aftercare is really important to hopefully minimise any potential contra-actions from happening after the treatment. Examples of aftercare advice would be:

  • Drink plenty of fluids
  • Eat a light meal
  • Avoid exercise/rest as much as possible

All of your clients should be assessed on an individual basis and those suffering from serious conditions should be made aware about the risks that come with certain beauty treatments and medical notes should be obtained where applicable.

However, you can’t rely on every single customer to disclose their medical conditions to you. Some of them might not be aware that their condition could affect the way their treatment is to be carried out and will therefore not think to mention it, while others might have underlying conditions that they don’t know about.

To cover all bases, you should always make sure that you have an insurance plan in place that protects you from compensation claims brought against you. 

At Professional Beauty Direct, we offer comprehensive salon insurancehairdressing insurance cover, and beauty therapy cover to keep you and your business safe. Get in touch today on 0345 605 8670


4th May 2021