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Claims Round Up Top 5 Jaw Dropping Claims

As industry professionals you are most likely well aware of potential incidents that could happen and result in a claim but from time to time, we see claims come in that are as shocking as they are st...

Claims Round Up Top 5 Jaw Dropping Claims

As industry professionals you are most likely well aware of potential incidents that could happen and result in a claim but from time to time, we see claims come in that are as shocking as they are strange.

We’ve compiled a top five of these claims and would love to hear some of your own stories.

  1. Shortcomings

One of our policyholders received a claim from a customer who alleged her hair had been cut half an inch shorter than she had asked for. Considering there was no injury or property damage involved the claim did not proceed, no doubt by the time the customer lodged the claim her hair would have grown that half inch anyway! Sometimes customers will do anything for a free haircut.

  1. Sharing is caring

A salon owner notified us that some of the employees in her salon were breaking out in strange skin rashes. It turned out one of the employees had been doing wax treatments on the girls when the salon was quiet and had been reusing the same spatula for the wax to save the salon money! Re-dipping in the wax pot could have spread the infection to customers resulting in a lot of high value claims all for the sake of saving a few pence on new spatulas. Luckily the salon owner was on the ball and stopped the problem in its tracks before anyone was seriously injured.

  1. Holiday Blues

We received a claim for an individual that had paid for a thread vein removal. The treatment hadn’t been successful, as is sometimes the case. No injury was caused, all that had happened was that the customer still had the thread vein she’d come in with. The customer said that she couldn't enjoy her holiday because the treatment hadn't worked and wanted a £6k refund for the price of her holiday! 

  1. Shady Customer

A customer came in for a brow tint and refused to have a patch test. Sadly, the therapist proceeded with the treatment anyway and just as she finished applying the tint the customer casually informed her that she had previously suffered an allergic reaction to hair dye. Unfortunately, as the therapist had failed to follow manufacturer’s advices or the conditions of the policy wording the claim was not covered. But this should re-enforce the importance of patch testing as a customer who refuses a patch test could be hiding important information from you, intentionally or not.

  1. Value for money

We have recently seen a claim for a hair bleaching treatment where the customer’s hair was breaking off. This claim was handled and settled for over £12k, not a bad return on the policyholder’s premium of £42.50 for the year! Not a shocking incident but it’s worth remembering when that pesky insurance renewal comes through that whilst it feels like you’re paying out for nothing, if a claim was to occur the policy will pay for itself ten-fold (or in this case 283 fold!)

Whilst we all hope a claim never happens to us it is a sad sign of the times that more and more people are looking to claim compensation for anything they can. This is why it is so important to have a robust insurance policy in place to protect you should the worst happen.

At Professional Beauty Direct we offer insurance policies designed for qualified hair, nail and beauty therapists and salon owners. We offer competitive prices to insure your liabilities to customers in the event of personal injury or damage to their property.


Why not call our friendly knowledgeable team today for a quote on 0345 605 8670 or quote and buy online at www.professionalbeautydirect.co.uk . PBD Xx


19th February 2020